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Here at Twin Valley Alliance, our primary goal is the safety and well-being of your children. All of our volunteers submit to state and federal clearances in compliance with current Pennsylvania childcare laws and our policies are designed to make sure that your child is safe and well cared for. Our Sunday School class starts at 9:00 a.m. and is specifically prepared for their age and understanding. We also have Children's Church which is available to Grades 1-4 and are dismissed during the sermon for an age-appropriate Bible lesson.

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We believe that children are the next generation of our church and we desire them to know Jesus and to have a relationship with Him. Our investment is centered around raising our young people in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a series of different programs that are offered throughout the year such as:


  • The Gate: A Dynamic kids' Ministry program for ages pre-K through teens. The Gate meets every Thursday night during the school year from 5:30 - 7:00 and includes a nutritious meal and life lessons from the Bible, as well as service opportunities.

  • Vacation Bible Study: A fun, dynamic week-long summer event for kids from pre-K through grade 6. Games, crafts, snacks, and a Bible lesson are a part of every fun-filled night. *As timing may change year to year watch for the event on our events page.

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