The Gate Kids Ministry met last night at the Church and everyone had a blast! Last night for dinner the group had a choice of homemade subs stuffed with ham salad with chips and cookies or a choice of an old-fashioned PB&J with chips and cookies. The group also had some punch and sunny dee to wash it down with. The Gate Ministry Director Mary Gibson had a birthday yesterday so we all would like to wish her a happy belated birthday and God bless her. Last night as always after dinner the group goes upstairs to the Church sanctuary for a time of praise and worship and the group watched a video talking about Jesus and His sermon on the mount. Afterward, as always, the groups separate into age groups for appropriate age-level learning and activities until the end of Gate at 7:30.
The Gate: This is a Dynamic kids' Ministry program for ages pre-K through teens. The Gate meets every Thursday night during the school year from 5:30 - 7:00 and includes a nutritious meal and life lessons from the Bible, as well as service opportunities. Everyone who is involved has submitted state and federal clearances in compliance with current Pennsylvania childcare laws and TVAC and The Gate Ministry policies are designed to make sure that your child is safe and well cared for. Please Contact Twin Valley Alliance Church by phone at 717-647-2713 or send us a message here on Facebook for more information