Calling all youth in our valley! The Youth Group Ministry of Twin Valley Alliance Church just recently announced a new meeting schedule. Join us TONIGHT and every SUNDAY night from 6:00 pm. - 8:00 pm. Come out and join us for an incredible time of fellowship, growth, and fun. This is an amazing opportunity for you to connect with like-minded peers, explore your faith, and build lasting friendships.
Tonight's we are gathering is and it's going to be a special one! We'll be joining the broader Twin Valley Alliance Church community at the Williamstown Park Pavilion for their evening service and a shared meal. Post-meal, the Youth Group will continue the fun with some quality time in the park. Let's build connections, share laughter, and make unforgettable memories. Can't wait to see you all there! #TwinValleyAllianceChurch #YouthGroupSundays #TVA_YouthGroup
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