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The Gate: Van Conduct Policy

 Attention all parents and guardians! The Gate: Kids Ministry is not only an exciting adventure but also a privilege extended to children and youth in the Williams Valley Area. We kindly ask that your children understand and respect the following policies to ensure the safety and smooth operation of The Gate: Kids Ministry and transportation to and from Twin Valley Alliance Church. Please take a moment to discuss these guidelines with your kids.

Transportation Guidelines: 🚐 Riding the Church vans is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. 🚫 Children/youth should not disrupt the safe operation of The Gate: Kids Ministry or Church vans. 🗣️ Conversations about respectful behavior and cooperation with van drivers and helpers are encouraged.

Disciplinary Infractions on the Church van include but are not limited to:

  1. Not following instructions from the van driver or helper.

  2. Remaining seated and facing forward while the van is in motion.

  3. Avoid littering or throwing items inside or out of the van.

  4. No fighting, bullying, or any form of physical altercation.

  5. Maintain a peaceful environment; avoid yelling or unnecessary noise.

  6. Please refrain from eating or drinking in the van.

  7. Using inappropriate language is not allowed.

  8. Any form of property damage is strictly prohibited.

  9. Participating in or encouraging immoral behavior of any kind, which includes y or viewing or distributing pornography in any form on any personal electronic devices

Conduct Expectations at any of The Twin Valley Alliance Church ministries including The Gate: Ministry, but are not limited to:

  1. Harming or threatening to harm yourself or others physically, spiritually, or emotionally, including bullying in any form or disrupting another’s experience

  2. Care for Twin Valley Alliance Church property and prevent destruction.

  3. Running indoors is only permissible during designated games/events.

  4. Harming or threatening to harm yourself or others physically, spiritually, or emotionally, including bullying in any form or disrupting another’s experience.

  5. Vaping and or possessing illegal or harm full substances • Possessing weapons or dangerous items of any kind (if specifically authorized, certain items may be provided and used in supervised activities

  6. Leaving without following proper procedures (without permission)

In case of disobedience: 📝 If a child/youth fails to follow church/van rules, the incident will be documented, and parents will be informed as appropriate. ⚖️ Consequences will match the severity and frequency of the misconduct. 🚫 Repeated or serious misconduct might lead to the suspension of van or The Gate: Kids Ministry.

Home Pickup for Misconduct: 🏠 In severe cases where misconduct requires a child's departure, parents/guardians will be contacted and expected to pick up the child/youth.

The Twin Valley Alliance Church offers van transportation for children who wish to attend The Gate: Kids Ministry. To ensure your child can be picked up, all required forms must be completed and submitted in advance. Once your registration is processed, a leader from The Gate: Kids Ministry will notify you—via your preferred method of communication indicated on the registration form—when your child will be added to the pickup schedule.

Please note For The Gate Kids Ministry van will begin picking up children at 4:30 PM. To help us stay on schedule and minimize delays for other families, we kindly ask that your child is ready at the designated pickup time.

After being picked up, children will enjoy Dinner when the Gate begings at 5:30 PM  followed by Worship / Teaching / Class Groups for teaching Each child will be assigned an adult helper/Teacher to assist them throughout The Gate: Kids Ministry, children will participate in age-appropriate programs:

  •  (Ages Preschool-Kindergarten)

  •  (Grades 1-2)

  •  (Grades 3-4)

  •  (Grades 5-6

  •  (Grades 7-12)

Children will begin returning home at 07:00 PM Please ensure an adult is available at home to receive your child from the van, as drivers cannot return children to the church if no one is present.

The Gate Illness and Attendance Policy

Please don't allow your child to attend The Gate: Kids Ministry if they have had a fever or vomiting in the previous 24 hours. If the Williams Valley School District has cancelled school or designates virtual learning on a day ( for the entire school) that The Gate: Kids Ministry is scheduled, The Gate: Kids Ministry will also be canceled for that day. If your child attends school for virtual learning regularly, they may attend The Gate Kids Ministry as long as they are not sick as stated above.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at, fill out a contact form on our website, or send a message through our chat app. We look forward to serving your family and providing a safe, enriching experience for your child!

By clicking "Submit," you and your child agree to abide by The Gate Kids Ministry standards, event guidelines, safety rules, and any other pertinent instructions. Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects The Gate Kids Ministry values and exemplifies Christlike behavior. Please note that participation in any activity is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if a participant behaves inappropriately or poses a risk to themselves or others. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone!

The Gate: Polices | Twin Valley Alliance

Date and time

Sunday Worship Times & Sunday Activities >

Adult Sunday School: 9:00 - 9:45 am
Pre-K - Teens Sunday School: 9:00 - 9:45 am
Morning Worship Service 10:15 am - 11:30 am
Coffee Fellowship: 9:45 - 10:15 am
Children's Church:  10:30 am - 11:30 am
Youth Group: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Evening Worship Service 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Wherever you are on your spiritual journey and whatever your past or present circumstances, there’s a place for you here at Twin Valley Alliance. We’re certainly not perfect, but you’ll find Twin Valley Alliance Church to be a safe place to explore answers to your spiritual questions as well as a comfortable place where you can discover hope and a loving relationship with God and others.  Along the way, you will be able to enjoy meaningful, personal friendships as we grow together in our knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.


Twin Valley Alliance is located in the heart of the valley of Williamstown, PA, while still serving nearby towns of Lykens, Tower City, Hegins, & Elizabethville

Social Media / Outreach >


Twin Valley Alliance Church

9781 US-209

Williamstown, PA 17098

T: 717-647-2713

If we are avaible and you would like to chat with a live person click on "Let's Chat' or "Chat With Us"

© 2023 Twin Valley Alliance Church

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