Welcome and thank you for checking us out! Our goal is to share a little more about who we are and to give you a little preview of our lives at Twin Valley Alliance Church.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey and whatever your past or present circumstances, there’s a place for you here at Twin Valley Alliance. We’re certainly not perfect, but you’ll find Twin Valley Alliance Church to be a safe place to explore answers to your spiritual questions as well as a comfortable place where you can discover hope and a loving relationship with God and others. Along the way, you will be able to enjoy meaningful, personal friendships as we grow together in our knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Twin Valley Alliance Church understands that finding a church home can be a challenging endeavor. Most people tell us they are looking for a place that faithfully teaches God's Word and worships Him from the heart. But even with those foundational pieces in place, really feeling like you are home requires something more - connections. We're not a mega-church and while that makes for great worship, it's not always the most conducive environment for connecting with new friends. But getting connected at Twin Valley Alliance Church is easy and it starts once you walk in our front door with our friendly greeters and our welcome table to our Coffee Fellowship from 9:45 am - 10:00 am every Sunday Morning and it finishes by connecting with us by filling out our Connect card by clicking the box below so we can get to know you and serve you better.